
Friday, November 11, 2016

Are We Being Good Stewards???

With the unveiling of the new Coverboy, the Target same-sex bathroom disaster, and the Starbucks supporting of gay rights, it's pretty clear that the country is in a downward moral spiral. 

My question at this point is are we as believers still going to support these businesses knowing full well everything these businesses stand for?  We know that Starbucks supports gay marriage.  We know that the Covergirl makeup line now promotes guys wearing makeup, and we also know that Target has made it clear they are fine with allowing men to go into women's bathrooms and dressing rooms.  These businesses openly support God-defying movements, and yet Christians are still supporting them. 

I've always been kind of confused by the amount of Christians that I know support businesses like these. I never understood why a Christian, who is supposed to want to honor God through their actions and decisions, would knowingly support a business that is so proud to voice it's stand against our Bible and our God.

I wonder if these people just haven't thought about the stewardship of their money as they support these businesses, or if they are making these decisions with their eyes wide open?  Maybe their argument would be that withholding their money won't make a difference.  Maybe they think that Christians need to show Christ's love to these God defying businesses and continuing on in their support is one way they feel they are doing that.  I actually think that these businesses are very interested in money.  If Christians across this nation would let their voices be heard by how they steward their money, these businesses would take note, and we might see change across America.

The Bible talks about stewardship and how we will be held accountable. 

Luke 16:2- And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? Give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.

1 Corinthians 4:2- Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man may be found faithful.
While this verse is talking about stewardship as a pastor, and being trustworthy and faithful, my observation is that we can use this same principle with how we as believers use our money.

Romans 14:12- So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Luke 16:11- If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

What about the issue of causing others to stumble by supporting these businesses?  I know I have stumbled over seeing people that I know love the Lord support businesses like these. 

 1 Corinthians 8:13- Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause them to fall.

To me personally, it seems pretty clear through God's Word that we are to be good stewards of what He has given us; not to mention the fact that we will give an account for everything we have done in life. With that in mind, who wants to stand before God one day and explain that they wanted something so badly that they chose to support businesses that openly defied His ways and His Word to get it?   
The fact is that when we support these businesses with our money, we enable and allow them to continue on in funding and promoting these movements that go against God and His Word.  We are to be trustworthy and faithful stewards of what God has given us, and not cause our brothers and sisters in Christ to stumble. To me, that means not supporting businesses that are loud and proud of their God defying decisions and movements.   

I don't want to stand before my Master and say that I supported something that went against Him.
I want to be a good steward... Will you join me?

Walking In Grace,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Abigail, I feel as though there is a lot of judgement in this post. While I do not necessarily agree with men using the women's bathroom or gay marriages I do believe we are called to love those who do. That doesn't mean I have to walk in and give all my money but I don't believe there is anything wrong with walking into Starbucks and buying a coffee and trying to build that relationship with those people and working to change something. Jesus didn't hate the sinner, he hated their sin, and therefore Jesus chose to love them. He sat at the same table with sinners when others refused to and they looked down on him for it but through this he created relationships with those people and he showed he loved them, regardless of what they had done, he never once said he supported it but he didn't shun them either and never declared hatred. Through this he did something they were unable to do, he caused something to change in each of their lives.

  3. Thanks so much for your comment! While my post said nothing of hate or hatred towards anyone, I agree on the fact that we are to love the sinner and hate the sin, but my post was about the believers stewardship and being careful not to support businesses monetarily that support God defying movements. So great to see you at church yesterday!



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