
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Are We Gonna Stand Up And Fight?

This past Friday, I had the amazing opportunity to go to the College of the Ozarks to hear several amazing speakers talk about the faith of our founding fathers and religious liberty. The campus was beautiful, the speakers awesome, and I loved that we were able to go. 

One of my favorites I listened to was Dr. Ben Carson as he urged people to vote, and told us point blank that, "Our rights won't be taken away from us by an outside force, our rights will be taken away from us by us just handing them over."  He also brought out that he hears many people today talking about not voting because they would be voting for the lesser of two evils. As true as that is, he went on to say that we choose between the lesser of two evils everyday because we live in a fallen world where there is no perfect way or choice this side of heaven. He compared it to a paper cut vs. losing both legs.  They are both bad, but when we have to choose, we would obviously choose the paper cut.  The next president will have a huge influence on future generations in regards to our religious freedoms, especially given the fact that he or she will surely be appointing new justices to the Supreme Court.

I also was very interested in Mr. Kelly Shackelford, as he presented a very thought provoking, and somewhat scary thought.  He said, "If we lose religious freedom, we will lose all freedoms." He also very clearly stated that, "If they take away religion;  they can't hire enough police."  He spoke about what the First Liberty Institute does every day in defense of religious freedom and gave examples of how they are fighting hard to ensure that future generations enjoy the freedoms that we do.

Another one of my favorite speakers was Mr. Abraham Hamilton III. He told the crowd that we have the ability to change America, but asked if will we accept the challenge.  He also brought to our attention that we have the amazing opportunity to tell the government what we think. It's by the people, for the people, and that the government works for us.  He also said that, "If the light leaves the scene; there is no other choice but for darkness to take up that space, and invade."

And last, but certainly not least, LTG William Boykin spoke. He was a very challenging speaker, and reminded us that Christians cannot just sit back and say that God's in control as an excuse to do nothing about the state of this nation. He went on to say that a soldier doesn't fight because they hate what's in front of him; he fights because he loves what's behind him. He sent us off by reminding us that it will take courage to stand against the movement that threatens our freedoms.  He said it will take courage.  He said we may get wounded.  He then asked, "Who will take a stand against evil?  If not the church, then who?"

They all challenged us to get up, get out, and stand for what and Who we believe. Like Mr. Boykin said," Its gonna take courage." And like Mr. Hamilton said," We have the ability to change America, but will we accept the challenge?" And like Mr. Shackelford said," If we lose religious freedom, we will lose all freedoms." This is the time for Christians to stand up. To fight for our nation. If God is for us, then who can be against us?!

Walking In Grace,

P.S. There is a nation-wide call for Christians to come together in worship, hearing the Word, and a question and answer time happening October 18th hosted by Kirk Cameron. The following trailer explains the details.  Please spread the word and join me in praying for this election, and the protection of our religious liberties.

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