
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

King Of The World

This summer I had the amazing opportunity to go to Life Action Camp to serve. I had expected for God to do something great, but I had no idea how He would blow me away with Himself.

I had been struggling a good part of the summer with not feeling close to God. Like when you pray, and you feel as though your prayers are just hitting the ceiling. It was awful, and I wanted it to be over so so bad. I had been asking God to reveal whatever it was that was keeping me from Him, but I never felt any closer to Him despite my prayers.  The last week at camp I had the opportunity to work what is called "Seek Week". It is when the staff from all 3 branches of Life Action Ministries come together for prayer and teaching.  They had several sessions throughout the week with some amazing speakers, and I was super excited to get to go to a few.  The session that I attended started with worship.  The lyrics in the song grabbed my attention.  "Heaven looked away."  "The Son was laid in darkness."  Then, "The ground began to shake."  "The stone was rolled away!"  "His perfect love could not be overcome!"   "Now death where is your sting?  Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated!"  A video clip of Mary seeing Jesus alive for the first time after the resurrection was playing on the overhead screens.  The awe she must have felt as she saw Him for who He really is was playing out in my own heart as well.  I was reminded of who God really is.  I had unknowingly forgotten how awesome our God is.  I had brought Him down to my level.  I had lost sight of the power and majesty my God possesses. I tried to wrap my mind around a God that made my mind. 

After realizing what I had done,  and asking forgiveness,  I felt a peace in my heart that I had been missing all summer.  I am so thankful that God showed me what I had been doing, and helped me see the true awesomeness of Himself. These Scriptures really capture the incredibleness (if that's even a word) of our God!

1 Chronicles 29:11- Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; Thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and Thou art exalted as head above all.

Jeremiah 10:6- Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; Thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

Psalm 136:4-To Him who alone doeth great wonders: for His mercy endureth forever.

Isaiah 40:26- Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: He calleth them all by names of greatness of His might, for that He is strong in power; not one faileth.

Jeremiah 32:17- Ah Lord God! behold, Thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for Thee.

Psalm 108:4- For Thy mercy is great above the heavens: and Thy truth reacheth unto the clouds.

Walking In Grace,

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