
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Paul, Peter, and Apollos

I sat on my bed, with a bag of chocolate chips, a drink, and enough excitement to do a little happy dance. I had gotten the second Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate for Christmas, and I was ecstatic! I sat up listening intently to every word that was said, noticing every facial expression, and taking mental notes of anything and everything I possibly could. I was having the time of my life! By the end of the two hour debate, the wheels in my own mind were turning. Questions were popping up, and I was fired up! Some of you already know how much I love apologetics, debate, and theology;)

Some people are against debate and "argumentation", but what I have found in Scripture by my own studying is that Paul, Peter, and Apollos were debaters!  Don't believe me? Let me show you what I've found!

I recently went through the book of Acts, and I quickly fell in love with it! I ended up doing a word search, which basically means that I highlighted every word in Acts that had to do with debate, argumentation, explaining, boldness, and even persuading. I was amazed at how many times Paul, Peter, and Apollos were debating the unbelievers of that day! Paul would go to the synagogues just to debate and persuade the Jewish church leaders. I was enthralled! I had never heard of anyone in the Bible debating, or arguing, or even refuting the Jews in public for the sake of Christ, and I loved it!

Here are several Scripture references that talk about Paul, Peter, and Apollos debating and persuading the unbelievers of their day: (please take into consideration that my Bible is a NAS translation, so the wording may not be the same in other Bibles)

Acts 9:28-29 - Acts 11:4-17 - Acts 13:43-46 - Acts 14:3 - Acts 15:2 - Acts 15:7-11 - Acts 17:2-4 - Acts 17:17 - Acts 18:4 - Acts 18:19 - Acts 18:25-26 - Acts 19:8 - Acts 19:26 - Acts 28:23-24 -

When most of us think of debates, we think of two people trading insults and false information, while getting red in the face and angry, but that's not a debate. The actual definition is much different: (n) debate- a formal discussing on a particular topic in the public meeting or legislative assembly, in which two opposing arguments are put forward.

The way that Paul, Peter, and Apollos debated was not the way we see a debate today. The way that a Christian debates is by using the Ephesians 4:15 ideology,"... speaking truth in love..." Allow me to share John Macarthur's thoughts on this verse:" Evangelism is most effective when the truth is proclaimed in love. This can be accomplished only by the spiritually mature believer who is thoroughly equipped in sound doctrine. Without maturity, the truth can be cold and love little more than sentimentality."

I believe that we have the best role models in Scripture for debate and reasoning with others.  I don't think we should run away from debate, or dissension, or reasoning with others. I know that I will NEVER know everything there is to know about theology and God, but I don't think that is any reason not to engage in conversations or debates on what we do know. I believe that we should always be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks. (1 Peter 3:14-15)

My point through this blog post is that debating, reasoning, and persuading are not bad things.  We can learn from our examples in Scripture and be ready to defend our faith.  Being vocal about our beliefs, and taking a stand for truth when we are presented the opportunity is a good thing.   

Walking In Grace,

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