
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Mrs. Barbara Dodson

I was 12 years old the day I walked up the front steps to the house where my piano lessons would be held. My sister Ruthie and I were nervous about starting lessons.  As we walked into the room filled with pianos and music, I met my teacher Mrs. Dodson for the first time.  

For a girl who didn't even know anything about music except how to play it on the radio,  this was quite scary and stressful. I messed up Mary Had a Little Lamb no telling how many times.  I would get put out, and then Mrs. Dodson would say," Let's try again."  She never gave up on me, even when I would have given up on myself. She always pushed me to do better.

Skip ahead about 3 years, and now that same nervous, scared, stressed girl loves to play piano! Earlier this year, I started writing songs, excited to play them for Mrs. Dodson every week.   She loved to help me with my pieces, and would tell me to keep changing things up, and to keep making them my own when playing a piece she assigned me.  Hymns are my favorite songs to play and she figured that out early on.  One day she threatened to take my hymn book away if I didn't start  practicing my assigned pieces.  Boy, that got my attention!    

One Monday morning, I was excited to play What A Friend We Have In Jesus for Mrs. Dodson.  I was excited to show her what I had done to add my own special twist to it.  I played the song and then looked over to see her eyes all watered over. (Mrs. Dodson was not the kind to show a lot of emotion. This was a very big deal to me.) I loved her encouragement and her belief in my ability to play piano.

Mrs. Dodson passed away Saturday, April 9th. She was 80 years old, and had been teaching for 65 years. It was kind of abrupt for me. I wasn't expecting that at all.  I will miss Mrs. Dodson very much, but I am so thankful for the years I had the privilege of learning from her. The past three years have been a blast, and I will miss those times forever. I never told Mrs. Dodson that I loved her, or appreciated her while she was still alive. I regret that now.

What about you?  Are there people in your life that need to hear how much you appreciate them or love them?  Would you join me in learning how to appreciate those that God has placed in our lives and let them know how much we love them? 

Walking in Grace,

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