
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Arkansas TeenPact 2016

I had the incredible opportunity this past week to go to a TeenPact class at our very own state capitol. At TeenPact, I learned everything from how bills are passed, to judicial review, and (my personal favorite) political communications. We also got to do prayer walks around the Capitol which gave us a chance to pray for all the Arkansans that serve our state. In our political communications class, we were given tips and tricks to communicating what we think and what we believe. The tips given included making eye contact, using facts, being personable, etc.

I started thinking about communication and how important it is to know how to share my thoughts and beliefs about whatever I may be asked about.  More importantly though, it's important that I know how to communicate my faith.  1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." 

If you asked me about the presidential election, Ben Carson, or an event in history I could probably talk with you at length about all the information I have learned to this point.  But if you asked me where a verse was in the Bible, I might have to pull out my handy-dandy iPhone to tell you. That's sad, and I know it. It's awesome to be involved in politics and history and have lots of knowledge about lots of things, but if I am more involved in these things than in the knowledge found in God's Word, something is wrong.

Jesus used the Word constantly; which is what I need to do, but in order to do that I need to know the Word... and that's where the challenge comes in!

A great example of someone who was always ready to give an account for what God had done in his life was Paul. Paul was a former murderer of Christians that became a Christian himself. He was ready to tell people of the hope he had in Christ, and he did a great job communicating this. One example of his readiness to give an account for his beliefs is found in
Acts 26.
Paul was relaying everything God had done in his life to King Agrippa, and was very passionate in doing so. He told the king about his killing of the Christians before God entered his life on the road to Damascus, his repentance to God, and about the masses of people that had repented and trusted Christ. He was used by God so much,  and possibly because he was not only willing, but ready. 

Are you like me? Do you feel lacking in this area as well? We can work on this together, and pray for one another. Let's be knowledgeable about the Word, and to be ready to communicate the gospel message wherever and whenever God directs us to.

Walking In Grace,

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