
Friday, March 13, 2015

Preparing for His Return

Some family is coming in this weekend to hang with us a little while. Now... I am that person that cleans everything in the house, organizes it, and cleans again before company comes over. So naturally... I started cleaning today. So far I've swept, Windexed,  made my bed,  and organized my closet.  I've even gotten my homework out of the way for the weekend.  I swung into high gear and got busy!  In thinking about how I am getting prepared to see my family,  I thought about how I'm doing at getting prepared to see my Savior.  How much time am I spending preparing for the day I will see Him?  I want to hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant."  What if I swung into high gear and got busy telling others about Jesus?  What if I got busy with trying to be a better big sis?  A better lil sis?  What if I spent more time in His Word? 

He could come at any time and I want to be ready.  I am really glad that in preparing for company today made me think about preparing for when I see Him.... I have a lot to do!

Walking in Grace,

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