
Monday, February 29, 2016

I Am A History Nerd...

I once heard a sermon about Josiah, the man who became king at 8 years old, and how he turned his country around by looking back at the history of his father and grandfather (Found in 2 Kings 22 and it's joint passage 2 Chronicles 34). He did the right things, and made the right decisions for Israel that his forefathers didn't.

Now I am a total history guru. I love everything about it. While some people may think that it is boring, I think it is the most interesting thing ever. My love of history is right up there with my love for politics. And the two work hand-in-hand, together. The reason I love history so much is that it gives me a clear view of the past. Like Josiah, you and I can look back at mistakes leaders and others have made, as well as the great decisions they made that shaped their lives, and the lives of the people around them through the centuries. This gives us a clear view of what we should and shouldn't do as a country and a people.

Well King Josiah looked at history for answers, and found many of them. He realized that his fathers didn't follow the law of God, and that his fathers did things that were totally against God's will. This pushed Josiah into action. He realized what he hadn't been doing, what he should be doing, and made the changes necessary to be obedient to God. 

History shows us so much, and teaches us more. I find comfort in knowing that the problems we face today have been experienced by people all the way back to the fall. I wonder what Josiah initially thought when he learned from God's Word all that he should be doing.  Was it elation?  Was it shock?  Was it confusion wondering why his ancestors had not followed God's instructions?  Was it all of that combined?  We don't have to trip through life as if we were in the dark.  We can learn from others, the good decisions and the bad ones, but more than that, we have God's Word to lead us.  How great His love for us to give us His Word.

Walking In Grace,

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lottie's Big Entrance!!!

It was 8:30 P.M. on February 5, 2016.  That date might have not meant much to me before last night.

While me and my friends were at Bible Study, we got a call that my sister Lindsey, and her husband Ethan, were on their way to the hospital to deliver their little girl. Well you can imagine the excitement I felt as we rode all the way to the hospital!  We got to the hospital and rushed into the room to begin to prepare ourselves for the delivery ahead.  I was responsible for taking the birth pictures so I was in the delivery room when Lottie was born.  I was so excited when Lindsey took me up on my offer to do that, but very nervous at the same time.  

I have never witnessed something as beautiful as the birth of one of God's children. 

It was amazing. Seeing a baby be born is a testament to God's amazing power, and perfect planning. I will never be able to figure out how a person can look at a baby being born, and say that they're just tissue.  Life is the showcase of God's amazing and miraculous wisdom.

Psalms 148:5- "Let them praise the name of the Lord: for He commanded, and they were created."

Revelation 4:11-"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."

Psalms 102:18-" This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord."

Lottie's birth blew me away with God's amazing power and majesty, and to think that God ( the Creator of life) created us to have a personal relationship with Him.... Wow

Walking In Grace, 


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